Newborn Screening Services

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Programs that offer health screening services for neonates which are designed to prevent physical problems, intellectual disabilities and premature death through the early detection and treatment of genetic disorders which may not otherwise be detected until irreversible damage has occurred. A drop of blood is taken from each infant's heel prior to discharge and sent to a laboratory for analysis. A repeat specimen is recommended one to two weeks after birth if the original sample was taken within the first 24 hours of life. Newborn hearing screening is also available in some areas. (AIRS LF-7000.6000)

Note: Service listings do not represent a recommendation or endorsement by the Medical Home Portal staff or its sponsoring organizations; nor do they reflect any assessment of the quality or value of a listed Service.

Service Legend
Local Service
Statewide Service: Provides online resources, telehealth, or service at a satellite office.
Nationwide Service: Provides online resources, telehealth or services at a regional/national headquarters location.
Statewide Provider
1664 North Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89557
Phone: 775-688-1335
Statewide Provider
Organization Name: Nevada State Public Health Laboratory
(Show others in Organization)
1664 North Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89557
Phone: 775-688-1335
Source: Nevada 2-1-1
Last Updated: 6/9/2022
Nationwide Provider
4301 50th Street NW, Suite 102
Washington, DC 20016
Nationwide Provider
4301 50th Street NW, Suite 102
Washington, DC 20016
Languages Spoken: Spanish
Source: MHP-Nationwide
Last Updated: 3/3/2023