Duchenne & Becker Muscular Dystrophies
Guidance for primary care clinicians diagnosing and managing children with Duchenne and Becker dystrophies
Guidance for primary care clinicians diagnosing and managing children with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy Dystrophinopathies, including Duchenne (DMD) and Becker (BMD) muscular dystrophies, represent varying clinical presentations of an X-linked, progressive symmetric muscle weakness caused by a relative or absolute absence of dystrophin. Weakness is predominantly proximal, but progression eventually involves distal muscles. Muscles are gradually replaced by fatty, fibrotic connective tissue. DMD is the most common and most severe form of the disease, with a prevalence of about 1:3500 male births. Dystrophinopathies occur primarily in males; however, female carriers can occasionally manifest symptoms and are increasingly recognized. Symptoms are variable and can include cardiac and motor issues, especially later in adulthood.
Key Points
Creatine kinase (CK) test for any child with unexplained motor delays or
muscle weakness
With an increasing number of approved therapies, earlier diagnosis
becomes increasingly important. CK levels in DMD are markedly elevated in all DMD
patients, even at very young ages with minimal symptoms, so early diagnosis can be
obtained for a very low cost based on screening CK. Yet, many patients are not
identified until age 8 or 9, or even older, despite the typical age of onset of
weakness. To ensure early identification of children with DMD, a CK should be
obtained in any child presenting with unexplained motor delays and any evidence of
muscle weakness.
Negative genetic testing despite clinical presentation
Genetic testing laboratories can detect mutations in the
DMD gene in up to 98% of patients after stepwise
testing, including deletion/duplication tests followed by sequencing the full
DMD gene. Dystrophinopathies (GeneReviews)A muscle biopsy with dystrophin
staining should be recommended when the clinical presentation is consistent with DMD
but genetic testing is negative. Even with the best available technology, some
genetic diagnoses remain elusive due to genetic anomalies that are difficult to
detect under routine testing paradigms. In these cases, the absence of dystrophin
staining on muscle biopsy confirms the diagnosis. Additional testing may be
available in some centers on a research basis, including RNA sequencing from a
muscle biopsy specimen that can identify the genetic mutation in most cases.
Steps before starting steroids
Before starting steroids, ensure all immunizations are current,
especially pneumococcus. Also, ensure immunity to chickenpox and test for
tuberculosis if warranted. While taking steroids, annual influenza shots should be
an injectable, killed-virus type rather than a live virus.
Practice Guidelines
Standard of care guidelines were first published in 2010 and updated in 2018 to include new recommendations on the transition from pediatric to adult care, endocrine management, primary care, and emergency management. No practice guidelines have been published. Guidance based on expert opinion includes:
Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Apkon SD, Blackwell A, Brumbaugh D, Case LE, Clemens PR, Hadjiyannakis S, Pandya S, Street
N, Tomezsko J, Wagner KR, Ward LM, Weber DR.
Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 1: diagnosis, and neuromuscular, rehabilitation, endocrine,
and gastrointestinal and nutritional management.
Lancet Neurol.
PubMed abstract / Full Text
Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Alman BA, Apkon SD, Blackwell A, Case LE, Cripe L, Hadjiyannakis S, Olson AK, Sheehan DW,
Bolen J, Weber DR, Ward LM.
Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 2: respiratory, cardiac, bone health, and orthopaedic management.
Lancet Neurol.
PubMed abstract / Full Text
Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Apkon SD, Blackwell A, Colvin MK, Cripe L, Herron AR, Kennedy A, Kinnett K, Naprawa J, Noritz
G, Poysky J, Street N, Trout CJ, Weber DR, Ward LM.
Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 3: primary care, emergency management, psychosocial care, and
transitions of care across the lifespan.
Lancet Neurol.
PubMed abstract / Full Text
Diagnostic Criteria & Classifications
Screening & Diagnostic Testing
Screening Family Members
The mothers of boys with DMD/BMD may also be at risk for cardiac problems. They should be evaluated by genetic testing to confirm carrier status and, if positive, evaluation and monitoring by a cardiologist.
Laboratory Testing
A very elevated creatine kinase (CK) is always present but is not specific to DMD. CK values from boys with DMD are in the thousands (20,000 or higher is not unusual). A CK is useful for diagnosis only; its level is not followed once the diagnosis is established. The degree of elevation is not significant at diagnosis; for instance, a value of 20,000 in a patient does not indicate a more severe form of DMD than a value of 12,000 in another patient. Transaminases commonly screened for liver dysfunction (AST and ALT) are almost always abnormally high. These enzymes are present in the muscle, and elevation reflects leaky muscle fiber membranes rather than liver disease (unless other signs of liver disease, such as jaundice or coagulopathy, are also present). Importantly, elevated transaminases sometimes bring a child to the attention of a gastroenterologist before muscle disease is diagnosed. If so, measurement of the liver-specific enzyme, gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), should be normal, as should bilirubin and alkaline phosphatase measures. Before extensive testing for liver disease, CK should be checked early in any child with elevated transaminases. Another important laboratory finding in boys with DMD is low creatinine. Low creatinine reflects low muscle mass. Renal problems are not common in boys with DMD, but if concerned for renal function, other markers of renal function, such as cystatin C should be obtained.
CK elevated but not as profoundly elevated in boys with BMD. In boys with advanced DMD, the CK can normalize due to very low muscle mass.
Genetic Testing
Molecular genetic testing should be performed to confirm the diagnosis and guide genetic counseling for family members. The type of mutation may determine the boy's eligibility for treatment (exon skipping therapy for exon 45, 51, or 53) or clinical trials, e.g., nonsense readthrough, exon skipping, and gene replacement therapies now in clinical trials. See Research in DMD (Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy). Because not all mutations can be identified, a negative genetic test does not rule out DMD. Standard testing includes stepwise deletion/duplication testing followed by sequencing of the full DMD gene, which detects the mutation in >95% of the cases. See Genetic Testing Labs - Dystrophinopathies (GeneTests) for the most comprehensive genetic testing. If the genetic testing is negative, but the clinical situation is highly suggestive of DMD, a muscle biopsy is recommended to confirm the absence of dystrophin. Some centers offer RNA-sequencing from muscle samples in these cases, which can usually identify the causative mutation.
Other Testing
Muscle biopsy was common before genetic testing became widely available. It is not widely performed for DMD but may be useful with negative genetic testing. In addition to non-specific signs of muscular dystrophy, including muscle fiber degeneration and regeneration, central nuclei, and replacement of muscle fibers by fat and connective tissue, dystrophin staining will be 0-5% in boys with DMD and 20-50% in boys with BMD. [Darras: 2008]
Genetics & Inheritance
Differential Diagnosis
Individuals with BMD often have a life expectancy into the 40s or later and can often walk into their 30s. Improved anticipatory care, including oral corticosteroid use, proactive care of heart and respiratory issues, early surgery for scoliosis, and early use of non-invasive ventilation, has enabled affected boys to walk and live longer. Susceptibility to respiratory infections and progressive deterioration of pulmonary function generally lead to death; however, with improved attention to respiratory care, cardiomyopathy with heart failure is becoming an increasingly important cause of mortality. Up to 50% of individuals with BMD die of cardiac complications. Cardiac death is less common in individuals with DMD (20%) but becoming more common as pulmonary complications are increasingly prevented and life expectancy is longer. [Darras: 2008]
Many new treatments are in development for DMD, including gene manipulation (exon skipping and nonsense readthrough) and gene replacement therapies. Many of these treatments, including the newly FDA-approved exon skipping therapies for patients with exon 45, 51, or 53 skip-amenable deletions, work only on specific mutations emphasizing the need for a confirmed genetic diagnosis. Dystrophinopathies (GeneReviews) and Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne (OMIM)have more information. Increasingly, parent and provider groups are focusing on patient quality of life.
Treatment & Management
Boys with DMD should be followed by both primary care providers and Neuromuscular Clinics (see NV providers [2]). The primary care provider will continue routine well-child and acute-illness care, provide recommended hearing, vision, and behavioral health screening, follow developmental milestones, provide vaccinations, and coordinate care with a multi-disciplinary neuromuscular clinic. The Neuromuscular Clinic will provide Duchenne-related care and communicate with the boys’ primary care provider. If not available, the medical home will need to ensure proper surveillance.
Stages of muscular dystrophy
Based on
available evidence and expert consensus, care guidelines for DMD can be found at
Care Guidelines (Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy). These guidelines correlate to different disease stages, defined mostly by motor
function, including diagnosis/early childhood, late ambulatory, early
non-ambulatory, and late non-ambulatory stage. Each stage has somewhat different
issues requiring surveillance and management. Transitions through these stages
require different strategies.
Despite progressing weakness, patients
in this stage retain relatively normal function in the community but can be slow in
activities requiring significant physical exertion. As the child’s strength reaches
a plateau phase, treatment with oral corticosteroids should be initiated.
Corticosteroids lengthen the time before a wheelchair is needed and preserve lung
and cardiac function. Risks and benefits should be discussed with the family.
Problems with weight gain and behavior are most common. Parents should be warned
about the potential for adrenal crisis (protocol) and never to stop steroids
Nutrition should be discussed soon after diagnosis, as corticosteroids often cause weight gain. Vitamin D and calcium should be maximized since muscle weakness and treatment with corticosteroids may lead to bone fragility and fractures. Initial visits with cardiology and pulmonology should occur. Although these systems are unlikely to be significantly affected during this early phase. Boys with DMD may have features of autism, speech/language delay, learning problems, and/or intellectual impairment. These problems should be screened for at an early age and appropriate treatments started. DMD may cause joint problems, especially ankle stiffness, and a regimen of stretching, ankle foot orthotics, and nighttime stretching braces should be started as needed.
During the late ambulatory stage,
boys are noticeably weaker, with an abnormal, waddling gait. They may need a
wheelchair or scooter for longer distances. A handicapped placard may be helpful for
the family, and school accommodations become increasingly important. Stretching
exercises or braces should be continued. Cardiac and pulmonology evaluations should
continue yearly. Learning and behavior should continue to be evaluated, and
management put in place as necessary. Mental health issues such as anxiety or
depression are common and may surface at this time.
During the early non-ambulatory
stage, weakness continues progressing, including in the upper extremities. Scoliosis
may develop and should be screened for on an ongoing basis with surgery as needed.
Individuals will now be in power wheelchairs full-time. Additional special adaptive
equipment may be needed. Many boys start having problems with cardiac and lung
function, and regular visits with these specialists should continue. Mental health
problems should be screened for and treated as necessary.
During the late non-ambulatory
stage, emphasis should be placed on helping keep these young men healthy and
independent as possible. Stretching of upper and lower extremities should be
continued. Corticosteroids are continued depending on tolerability and side effects.
Cardiac and pulmonology care should continue, and by this time, most patients are
treated with non-invasive ventilation at night. Advanced schooling and jobs should
be sought as possible. Mental health issues should be addressed. A transition to
adult care usually occurs during this phase. Bone fragility and osteoporosis should
be monitored and treated with bisphosphonate infusions as needed.
Corticosteroids should be started in the Diagnosis/Early Ambulatory Stage. Long-term studies of boys with DMD show that corticosteroid treatment improves muscle strength and function, prolongs walking, and reduces long-term complications, particularly scoliosis. [Gloss: 2016] Evidence suggests that corticosteroids have a beneficial effect on respiratory and cardiac function. [Markham: 2008] [Bushby: 2005] [Schram: 2013]
- Hypertension
- Behavioral problems
- Weight gain, with Cushingoid appearance and failure to gain expected height
- Osteoporosis
- Impaired immune and adrenal function
- Impaired glucose tolerance
- Gastrointestinal symptoms, including discomfort and gastric ulcers
- Cataracts
- Excessive hair growth
- Acne and striae
Most studies supporting the use of corticosteroids in boys with DMD have centered on benefits in motor function and prolonged ambulation. There is little evidence to guide when and if corticosteroid treatment should be discontinued. Some experts continue to give steroids after boys with DMD become non-ambulatory since pulmonary and cardiac function may still benefit. [Balaban: 2005] In many cases, side effects, especially weight gain, begin to accumulate after the loss of ambulation. Patients and providers should carefully consider the risks and potential benefits of continuing corticosteroid use after the loss of ambulation. [Birnkrant: 2018] If the decision is made to discontinue, then the dose should be tapered over time and not stopped abruptly due to adrenal suppression and the risk of renal insufficiency.
Chronic use of high-dose corticosteroids inhibits the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis resulting in iatrogenic adrenal suppression. As a result, patients treated with long-term corticosteroids are at risk for adrenal insufficiency; this can occur even when the child looks Cushingoid due to the high-dose glucocorticoids. The glucocorticoids must not be stopped abruptly as this may result in adrenal crisis, especially in the setting of trauma, surgery, or major illness, which causes an increased physiologic need for endogenous corticosteroids. The exact dose of corticosteroids that causes suppression is not known; however, the higher the dose and longer the period of use, the more likely adrenal suppression occurs. A general rule of thumb in adults is more than 7.5 mg of prednisone a day, or the equivalent, places the individual at risk.
Early diagnosis and treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy, based on echocardiographic findings and not clinical deterioration, are advised. Initial medication options include angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, such as enalapril or lisinopril, and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), such as losartan. Some clinicians will start these medications at age 10, even before detection of reduced ejection fraction. The 2017 American Heart Association guidelines for the treatment of cardiac problems in children with neuromuscular disease include this approach as “may be considered.” [Feingold: 2017]
These medications are also commonly used to treat high blood pressure, which may be related to prolonged steroid exposure in boys with DMD. Other agents, such as beta-blockers, may be added in the setting of advanced dilated cardiomyopathy, depending on cardiology preference and disease manifestations. Other medications, such as diuretics, may be added when a patient has signs or symptoms of congestive heart failure.
Anti-arrhythmic therapy is sometimes needed as well. Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) may be increasingly offered to boys in heart failure. In some cases, cardiac transplantation may be possible, although this varies with the site where the child is receiving care. Recent evidence suggests that prolonged steroid therapy may help delay the onset of cardiomyopathy. [Schram: 2013]
Early in the course of DMD, progressive muscle weakness leads to nocturnal hypoventilation and hypoxia, but the process is gradual and patients may not be aware of the problem. Begin monitoring for signs and symptoms of respiratory problems once the child is non-ambulatory. Inquire about symptoms of nighttime hypoventilation:
- Morning headache
- Daytime sleepiness
- Increased restlessness during sleep, increased need for turning during sleep
Assisted nighttime ventilation
Several studies have suggested that assisted nighttime ventilation (non-invasive intermittent positive pressure ventilation or IPPV) can improve general health and life expectancy; boys with DMD may notice less frequency of chest infections, more energy, and better sleep. [Bach: 1995] However, respiratory muscle weakness will continue to progress. Assisted daytime ventilation will become necessary during illnesses and then more regularly. Intervention may be by non-invasive techniques or tracheostomy, depending on local experience and patient/family preferences. See DMD Respiratory Care Consensus Statement (ATS), [Finder: 2004] and [Birnkrant: 2010].
Some patients and their families choose not to pursue assisted ventilation. Families should be counseled about options and supported in their choices.
When first diagnosed, a majority of patients have tight heel cords and a history of toe-walking. An orthopedic surgeon experienced in the care of children with DMD should be consulted to follow this problem and initiate treatment. Treatment might include ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs), heel cord stretching exercises, night splinting, and/or serial casting. At some point, surgery may be necessary to lengthen heel cords, despite other treatments. Some investigators suggest waiting until the fixed deformity is greater than 20 degrees, whereas others suggest early prophylactic muscle/tendon lengthening procedures. In boys with significant weakness, the risk of losing ambulation exists due to a prolonged non-weight-bearing period after surgery. Surgery should be considered carefully in light of this risk, and if performed, early mobilization is imperative. Reasons to consider surgery include:
- Heel cord lengthening may prolong the ability to walk
- Preventing foot deformities after wheelchair confinement may help with positioning and allow continued shoe-wearing
Begin thinking about a wheelchair or other mobility device when falls are frequent, the boy is having difficulty getting up from the floor, and/or when limitations on how far he can walk begin restricting participation in family and community life. Some families prefer scooter use early on, while others prefer a lightweight or folding wheelchair or stroller-type wheelchair. Insurance companies may limit wheelchair purchases to 1 every few years and will sometimes not buy a manual wheelchair after a power chair has been purchased. Therefore, providers and families should order a manual wheelchair when the need first becomes apparent and a power wheelchair when mobility is further compromised. Although the family is sometimes reluctant to get the first wheelchair, the child is often happy to have the increased mobility and independence. Fitting a wheelchair, getting letters of medical necessity (often written by the physical therapist), obtaining insurance preauthorization, and ordering and receiving the wheelchair can take up to 6 months, so the process should be started when the need is first recognized. See Wheelchairs and Adapted Strollers and Working with Insurance Companies. Sometimes a local resource, such as an MDA Clinic or Shriners Hospital, will have a loan closet of equipment or may be able to find a loaner or permanent wheelchair if the child is at risk while waiting for the wheelchair.
Scoliosis and/or compression fractures should be monitored on a regular basis, at least yearly, in non-ambulatory boys. Older boys with DMD exhibit scoliosis 90-95% of the time; the age of onset is variable, and the incidence is much decreased in those who have been on steroids. Trunk muscles progressively weaken, leading to collapse of the spine into a long C-shaped curve. In addition to seating problems and discomfort, scoliosis can lead to respiratory compromise due to decreased lung volume. A spine exam and spine X-rays (sitting anteroposterior spine) should be performed routinely after age 10 or when patients become non-ambulatory. Scoliosis surgery is recommended when the curvature measures 20 to 30 degrees; bracing is not thought to be helpful and is poorly tolerated. Scoliosis correction is major surgery and should be performed before pulmonary or cardiac function is too compromised. Spine X-rays will also show non-symptomatic vertebral fractures; if present, boys should be referred to an osteoporosis expert for IV bisphosphonate therapy. See Osteoporosis and Pathologic Fractures.
Nutrition and the prevention of obesity should be discussed early and often. As the child grows and develops, dietary and caloric needs should be routinely evaluated. Obesity, often independent of steroid use, may be seen as early as age 7; its prevalence seems to peak in the early teens at about 54%. [Willig: 1993] Obesity makes movement and activity even more difficult. Undernutrition may also be seen after the age of 14 years due to weakness and incoordination of the muscles used in chewing and swallowing. When possible, involve a nutritionist for underweight or overweight boys. Urinary or blood monitoring for impaired glucose tolerance should be performed periodically for boys on steroids.
Boys should be instructed to maintain cardiovascular conditioning, enhance bone health through activities such as walking and swimming, and begin a stretching program. Boys with DMD should avoid body-building type (isometric) exercises, such as weight lifting. Writing a note or communicating directly with physical education teachers regarding limitations and exercising might be necessary.
Boys with DMD, particularly those that have been treated with glucocorticoids, are prone to developing osteoporosis, which clinically manifests as low-trauma vertebral or long-bone fractures. Although initially deflazacort was thought to be bone sparing, this may not be true, and the same standards of management apply to boys on either prednisone or deflazacort.
Many boys with DMD have poor linear growth exacerbated by chronic corticosteroid treatment. If growth hormone deficiency is suspected from growth chart data, an IGF1 and an IGFBP3 should be performed, and if low, the boy with DMD should be referred to Pediatric Endocrinology (see NV providers [6]). At this time, routine use of growth hormone to treat growth failure in DMD without documented growth hormone deficiency is not recommended.
Delayed puberty can often be seen in boys with DMD. Boys with delayed puberty should be referred to Pediatric Endocrinology after a pubertal exam confirms the lack of pubertal change by age 14. Bone age X-ray is performed to accompany the referral.
Gastro-Intestinal & Bowel Function
- Special transportation needs (Transportation and Travel for People with Disabilities)
- Toileting issues
- Class placement (e.g., mainstreaming vs. a special education class)
- Responsibility in case of a school emergency
- Therapy needs
- Physical education restrictions
Mental Health/Behavior
Services & Referrals
Neuromuscular Clinics
(see NV providers
A multidisciplinary approach for care of boys with DMD is preferred.
These clinics also may be involved in research protocols for treatment of children
with DMD. List of MDA Care Centers (MDA) has clinic
locations and local details.
Pediatric Orthopedics
(see NV providers
Consider referral for baseline evaluation, routine spine X-rays, and
management of contractures, gait problems, scoliosis, and the need for equipment for
ambulation, such as walkers. Initially, these visits may be every year, but as the
disease progresses, the child may need to be seen at 6-month
Pediatric Endocrinology
(see NV providers
Consider referral if vertebral fractures are found on spine X-rays,
even non-symptomatic ones, for consideration of IV bisphosphonate therapy.
Endocrinology referral may also be important if puberty is delayed or if there is
concern for adrenal insufficiency or growth hormone deficiency.
Pediatric Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
(see NV providers
A referral may help in the evaluation of contractures, gait problems,
and obtaining aids for ambulation. Physical medicine and rehabilitation may be
available at MDA Clinics.
Physical Therapy
(see NV providers
Periodic visits can help to evaluate and maintain abilities.
Frequency of visits should be based on many factors (need, financial resources,
availability, and access) and balanced with treatment goals (ranging from
post-surgical PT to a home-therapy program taught to the parents).
Pediatric Cardiology
(see NV providers
Boys with DMD and BMD should receive cardiac evaluation with
echocardiogram (or MRI) and EKG at diagnosis and then yearly unless clinical
circumstances mandate more frequent visits.
Pediatric Pulmonology
(see NV providers
Boys with DMD should initially see a pulmonary specialist for a
baseline evaluation and then visit regularly after loss of ambulation. Periodic
screening may include pulmonary function testing and/or overnight oximetry. If
overnight oximetry is abnormal, an overnight sleep study determines if NIPPV
(non-invasive positive pressure ventilation) is needed. If needed, a specialist will
fit the child with NIPPV equipment and determine settings. Cough strength should
also be evaluated. Cough assist devices should be prescribed soon after the child
becomes non-ambulatory.
Dieticians and Nutritionists
(see NV providers
Early referral should be made for patients who become overweight
(which makes it more difficult for already weak muscles to move the body) or
underweight (no reserve, risk of pressure ulcers). Ideally, dieticians should be
available at Neuromuscular Clinics.
Pediatric Ophthalmology
(see NV providers
Children taking steroids should have periodic eye exams for
ICD-10 Coding
G71.01, Muscular dystrophy
ICD-10 for Muscular Dystrophy (icd10data.com) provides further coding details.
Information & Support
Related Portal Content
The Medical Home Portal provides related general diagnositic and
management information, including:
- Osteoporosis and Pathologic Fractures
- Calcium and Vitamin D
- Dental and Oral Health Screening
- Oral Health
- Mental Health Screening for Children & Teens
- Depression
- Anxiety Disorders
- Skin and Wound Care for CYSHCN
- Toilet Training Children with Complex Medical Conditions
- Constipation
- Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (FAQ)
- Constipation (FAQ)
- Management and Prevention of Constipation in Children
- Depression (FAQ)
- Anxiety Disorders & Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Apps to Help Kids and Teens with Anxiety
- School Accommodations: IEPs & 504s
For Professionals
Dystrophinopathies (GeneReviews)
Detailed information addressing clinical characteristics, diagnosis/testing, management, genetic counseling, and molecular
pathogenesis; from the University of Washington and the National Library of Medicine.
Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne (OMIM)
Information about clinical features, diagnosis, management, and molecular and population genetics; Online Mendelian Inheritance
in Man, authored and edited at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Neuromuscular Disease Center
Comprehensive website on neuromuscular diseases; Washington University, authored by Alan Pestronk, MD.
Muscle Weakness Video Library (childmuscleweakness.org)
This new resource was developed by Kathy Matthews, MD and the MDA, AAP, and other organizations; from the National Task Force
for Early Identification of Childhood Neuromuscular Disorders.
All About Steroids with DMD (Parent Project MD)
Recommended care, monitoring and managing side effects, dosing, discontinuing use, and adrenal crises information for families
who have boys on corticosteroids (prednisone or deflazacort) to treat DMD.
For Parents and Patients
Muscular Dystrophy Association
The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) covers many conditions including CMT, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and spinal muscular
atrophy. More information about these conditions, how to register, and clinic locations can be found here.
Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy
Comprehensive site that covers the latest research, treatments, and related issues; site founded by family members of children
with DMD.
Learning about DMD (National Human Genome Research Institute)
Information for families with a focus on genetics.
Muscular Dystrophy (CDC)
General information about MD for families that includes references to recent publications, extensive web resources, sites
for kids, and genetic research for parents and families. Also includes current surveillance and research sponsored by the
CDC to track incidence and treatment; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Muscular Dystrophy (NINDS)
Information about muscular dystrophy, treatment, prognosis, research, and links to other organizations; National Institute
of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Patient Education
Diagnosis & Management of DMD - Guide for Families ( 1.8 MB)
Care standards based on the DMD published in the Lancet Neurology in 2010; contains many images and graphics, uses much ink
if printed.
Care Checklist: Early Ambulatory Stage/Childhood (Parent Project MD)
For use by parents and caregivers of individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy to help you manage your child’s care if
they are showing signs of Duchenne, like a waddling type of walk, walking on their toes, or needing to support themselves
with their hands when they get up from the floor.
Care Checklist: Late Ambulatory Stage (Parent Project MD)
For use by parents and caregivers of individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy to help you manage your child’s care if
they are having more trouble walking, getting up from the floor, and climbing stairs.
Care Checklist: Early Non-Ambulatory Stage/Childhood (Parent Project MD)
For use by individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy or their caregivers, to help manage care if needing a wheelchair for
Care Checklist: Late Non-Ambulatory Stage (Parent Project MD)
For use by individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy to help manage care if there is reduced upper limb function and difficulty
maintaining good posture.
Imperatives for Duchenne: A Guide for Providers (Parent Project MD) ( 133 KB)
One-page with essential considerations for clinicians treating boys with DMD.
Services for Patients & Families in Nevada (NV)
Service Categories | # of providers* in: | NV | NW | Other states (3) (show) | | NM | RI | UT |
Dieticians and Nutritionists | 4 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 7 | |||
Hospice & Palliative Care | 26 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 42 | |||
Neuromuscular Clinics | 2 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | |||
Pediatric Cardiology | 4 | 3 | 17 | 4 | ||||
Pediatric Endocrinology | 6 | 1 | 4 | 12 | 7 | |||
Pediatric Ophthalmology | 6 | 1 | 6 | 8 | 4 | |||
Pediatric Orthopedics | 8 | 4 | 7 | 16 | 10 | |||
Pediatric Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | 3 | 3 | 3 | 6 | 11 | |||
Pediatric Pulmonology | 4 | 4 | 6 | 3 | ||||
Physical Therapy | 9 | 12 | 7 | 40 |
For services not listed above, browse our Services categories or search our database.
* number of provider listings may vary by how states categorize services, whether providers are listed by organization or individual, how services are organized in the state, and other factors; Nationwide (NW) providers are generally limited to web-based services, provider locator services, and organizations that serve children from across the nation.
Research in DMD (Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy)
Listing and explanation of clinical trials for DMD.
Clinical Trials in DMD (clinicaltrials.gov)
Studies looking at better understanding, diagnosing, and treating this condition; from the National Library of Medicine.
Helpful Articles
PubMed search for Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophies in children, last 2 years
Weerkamp PMM, Mol EM, Sweere DJJ, Schrans DGM, Vermeulen RJ, Klinkenberg S, Hurks PPM, Hendriksen JGM.
Wechsler Scale Intelligence Testing in Males with Dystrophinopathies: A Review and Meta-Analysis.
Brain Sci.
PubMed abstract / Full Text
Lee I, Turnage C, Sutyla R, Mitchell P, Lindahl H, Jesus A, Scharf RJ.
The Hidden Disease: Delayed Diagnosis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Co-Occurring Conditions.
J Dev Behav Pediatr.
PubMed abstract
Lee I, Turnage C, Sutyla R, Mitchell P, Lindahl H, Jesus A, Scharf RJ.
The Hidden Disease: Delayed Diagnosis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Co-Occurring Conditions.
J Dev Behav Pediatr.
PubMed abstract
Birnkrant DJ, Bello L, Butterfield RJ, Carter JC, Cripe LH, Cripe TP, McKim DA, Nandi D, Pegoraro E.
Cardiorespiratory management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy: emerging therapies, neuromuscular genetics, and new clinical
Lancet Respir Med.
PubMed abstract
McDonald CM, Mercuri E.
Evidence-based care in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Lancet Neurol.
PubMed abstract
Authors & Reviewers
Author: | Lynne M. Kerr, MD, PhD |
Reviewer: | Russell Butterfield, MD, PhD |
2020: update: Lynne M. Kerr, MD, PhDA; Mary A. Murray, MDCA; Vandana Raman, MDCA; Russell Butterfield, MD, PhDR |
2013: first version: Lynne M. Kerr, MD, PhDA; Russell Butterfield, MD, PhDA |
Page Bibliography
Anderson JL, Head SI, Rae C, Morley JW.
Brain function in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
2002;125(Pt 1):4-13.
PubMed abstract
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Glucose-fatty acid interactions in prepubertal and pubertal children: effects of lipid infusion.
Am J Physiol.
1997;272(4 Pt 1):E523-9.
PubMed abstract
Bach JR.
Respiratory muscle aids for the prevention of pulmonary morbidity and mortality.
Semin Neurol.
PubMed abstract
Balaban B, Matthews DJ, Clayton GH, Carry T.
Corticosteroid treatment and functional improvement in Duchenne muscular dystrophy: long-term effect.
Am J Phys Med Rehabil.
PubMed abstract
Birnkrant DJ, Bello L, Butterfield RJ, Carter JC, Cripe LH, Cripe TP, McKim DA, Nandi D, Pegoraro E.
Cardiorespiratory management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy: emerging therapies, neuromuscular genetics, and new clinical
Lancet Respir Med.
PubMed abstract
Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Alman BA, Apkon SD, Blackwell A, Case LE, Cripe L, Hadjiyannakis S, Olson AK, Sheehan DW,
Bolen J, Weber DR, Ward LM.
Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 2: respiratory, cardiac, bone health, and orthopaedic management.
Lancet Neurol.
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Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Alman BA, Apkon SD, Blackwell A, Case LE, Cripe L, Hadjiyannakis S, Olson AK, Sheehan DW,
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Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 2: respiratory, cardiac, bone health, and orthopaedic management.
Lancet Neurol.
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Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Apkon SD, Blackwell A, Brumbaugh D, Case LE, Clemens PR, Hadjiyannakis S, Pandya S, Street
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Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 1: diagnosis, and neuromuscular, rehabilitation, endocrine,
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Lancet Neurol.
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Birnkrant DJ, Bushby K, Bann CM, Apkon SD, Blackwell A, Colvin MK, Cripe L, Herron AR, Kennedy A, Kinnett K, Naprawa J, Noritz
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Diagnosis and management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, part 3: primary care, emergency management, psychosocial care, and
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Lancet Neurol.
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Birnkrant DJ, Bushby KM, Amin RS, Bach JR, Benditt JO, Eagle M, Finder JD, Kalra MS, Kissel JT, Koumbourlis AC, Kravitz RM.
Respiratory management of patients with DMD: A DMD care considerations working group specialty article.
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Management of Adrenal Insufficiency Risk After Long-term Systemic Glucocorticoid Therapy in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Clinical
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Bushby K, Bourke J, Bullock R, Eagle M, Gibson M, and Quinby J.
The multidisciplinary management of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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Ciafaloni E, Fox DJ, Pandya S, Westfield CP, Puzhankara S, Romitti PA, Mathews KD, Miller TM, Matthews DJ, Miller LA, Cunniff
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Practice guideline update summary: Corticosteroid treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Report of the Guideline Development
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Guglieri M, Bushby K, McDermott MP, Hart KA, Tawil R, Martens WB, et al.
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Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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Glucocorticoid corticosteroids for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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Markham LW, Kinnett K, Wong BL, Woodrow Benson D, Cripe LH.
Corticosteroid treatment retards development of ventricular dysfunction in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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Evidence-based care in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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Early prednisone treatment in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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Romitti PA, Zhu Y, Puzhankara S, James KA, Nabukera SK, Zamba GK, Ciafaloni E, Cunniff C, Druschel CM, Mathews KD, Matthews
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Prevalence of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies in the United States.
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All-cause mortality and cardiovascular outcomes with prophylactic steroid therapy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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Impact of nasal ventilation on survival in hypercapnic Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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Soltanzadeh P, Friez MJ, Dunn D, von Niederhausern A, Gurvich OL, Swoboda KJ, Sampson JB, Pestronk A, Connolly AM, Florence
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Clinical and genetic characterization of manifesting carriers of DMD mutations.
Neuromuscul Disord.
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Weerkamp PMM, Mol EM, Sweere DJJ, Schrans DGM, Vermeulen RJ, Klinkenberg S, Hurks PPM, Hendriksen JGM.
Wechsler Scale Intelligence Testing in Males with Dystrophinopathies: A Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Nutritional assessment in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
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